About This Game When Master Wan flew in space, then unexpectedly he was attacked by: slaves, Billy, Mark, Ricardo, Kazua, the Master had no choice but to punish them. Fly and destroy slaves, Billy Carringtons, Mark Pulfs, Ricardo Hilses, Kazuas and punish their assholes. Also, you need survive, because slaves can destroy you Key features: -Good time-killer game -Unstandard setting -Simple and funny gameplay(just fly and destroy enemies) -Different backgrounds, which you can choose(with Wan, Billy, Mark, Ricardo, Kazua) -Good soundtrack -Steam achievements -MASTER MASTER MASTER Controls: "W" - to fly up "S" - to fly down "A" - to fly left "D" - to fly right "Spacebar" - to shoot "R" - to restart "Escape" - to leave a09c17d780 Title: Deep GachiGASMGenre: Action, Casual, IndieDeveloper:Nikita "Ghost_RUS"Publisher:Ghost_RUS GamesRelease Date: 13 Nov, 2017 Deep GachiGASM Download Epic Games deep gachigasm steam. deep gachigasm ( \u0361\u00b0 \u035c\u0296 \u0361\u00b0). \u2642 Take \u2642 it \u2642 boy \u2642 gachiGASM \u2642. Gameplay: 6.9\/10Music: Hans Zimmer\/10Graphics: 1980\/10Gayness: fullhomo\/fullhomoBest game in Steam so far.. I regret nothing.. Best 0.1 hours of my life gachiBASS
Deep GachiGASM Download Epic Games
Updated: Dec 9, 2020